It's been quite a while since I wrote a post on this blog - quite a while during which I had a million thoughts to share and more ideas to write about than I knew what to do with.... So what happened? Why didn't I write up and post a single one of the myriad of topics that have gone through my head in the past couple of months (Has it been that long? It certainly feels like it.)?
The answer varies as much as the ideas themselves did: the timing wasn't right for the topic, I had other things to do and didn't want to be stuck in front of my computer typing, too many things happened too quickly (like a garden replant due to fungus, a first harvest, then another downpour-induced garden decimation all within a couple of days), the idea I had might make too short of a post, the idea I had might make too long of a post, and so on and so on...
The thing is, I like this medium of blogging better than the social medium platforms I spend far too much time with. It makes me more accessible to the social-media-shunning members of my family, doesn't require constant monitoring, and, most importantly, it allows me to write more than 200 characters on a topic... I'm a naturally wordy person - I remember how much of a struggle it was for me to stay within the maximum word count for papers in college - so I want the freedom to write as much as I like, which is a privilege blogging provides me with...
BUT! My wordiness (and the time it takes to type it all up) has also inhibited me from sharing all the things I'd like to share on this blog, so I'm going to change some things around these parts! I'm sure I'll still have the long-winded posts that are the essence of how I communicate, but I'm not going to stop myself from simply sharing a picture and a couple of words or a short, simple idea I've come up with... This may change the nature of the blog a little bit, but hopefully it will add variety and keep me from censoring myself to the tune of weeks upon weeks without a post.
Now that I'm going to be blogging more freely, let's see where this ride takes us! ;)
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