DragonCon is known for the "Con Moment:" the life-changing, re-defining experience that occurs when you're surrounded by thousands of people who have identity-structuring things in common with you (most often and at the very least: a modicum of social awkwardness and a passionate enthusiasm for *something* in geek culture). This year, as I covered DragonCon as a reporter and attended for the first time since the early 2000's, I had my share of those moments as I learned a lot about myself, my career choice, and the Con in general. So here is my list of the 17 things I learned this year at DragonCon:
- I learned that, despite my age, I am still fully capable of living up to the work hard party hard motto of my Alma Mater.
- I learned that, the more tired I get, the more the sides of me I like the least come out. Thank goodness I also learned that the vast majority of other humans also do this and understand when I am as imperfect as they are.
- I learned that chocolate covered expresso beans can be considered a nutritional food group.
- I learned the importance of developing a routine path that can be followed on autopilot even when extremely tired or drunk (or both).
- I learned that the confidence I portray when I'm working makes me feel stronger inside and tends to make people approach me as much as I approach them. It also keeps me going when I'm dog-tired.
- I learned that I have a great knack for finding a story and landing an interview and quite a bit less skill at knowing what to do with a time-sensitive exclusive when I get one. I also learned that the energy that goes into spontaneous interviews and the general outgoing-ness required of being a journalist is HUGE.
- I learned the importance of sleep to processing words (and thanked my lucky stars I primarily freelance for a monthly and can avoid the quick turn around required of a daily).
- I learned I kind of suck at taking pictures - not that they don't turn out well but I either forget or am not quick enough on the draw.
- I learned that it's important to be willing to throw all your plans out the window when a story opportunity comes along and that the dual skills of being a talker and a good listener pay in my profession.
- I learned that it always pays to ask and, if you do it nicely and with an angle that will appeal to your target, nine times out of ten you'll get a yes and often you'll get even more than you asked for.
- I learned that I can be a bit self-centered and hyper-focused when I'm on the job but that doesn't have to keep me from being caring and concerned for my loved ones...it just makes me need to be conscious in my efforts to show them this.
- I learned that I have a super secret friend-finding power when it comes to walking through crowds of thousands upon thousands of geeks but it only works if I'm not looking for someone specific.
- I learned that life is too busy to concern myself with burnt bridges, toxic people, or judgemtalism...that I can love a person and still decide they no longer have a place in my life.
- I learned that there are no substitutes for the people I miss when I'm away and that simply being with my family can heal me like nothing else can.
- I learned that leaving spirit gum on your skin after having removed your elf ears before bed will result in your hair turning into a giant dreadlock by morning.
- I learned that you should plan your Con costumes by difficulty, leaving the least complicated for the final days when you're too tired to bother anymore.
- I learned that it's ok to make mistakes, it's ok to be a bit ignorant every once in a while, and it's ok to stop and allow yourself some fun and relaxation even when you know you could keep working all night.
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