The Caretaker

I am a nerd, geek, and an all-around non-conformist who is finding myself through my roles as nurturer, mother, seed-planter, and thought-former. I created this blog as a platform for my compulsive need to write.

Ever-evolving, the content you'll find here remains an authentic reflection of me, my zig-zag journey throughout life, and the pondering thereof.

As I have walked this Earth along my life's journey,  I've dipped my toes into many pools of ideas: I've studied Chemistry, Psychology, the Earth Sciences, Sociology, History, Language (& many languages), Philosophy, and almost anything I have had access to learn about (except Math, which I try to avoid except where it is necessary).  I've travelled to Iceland, India, and South Africa, revelling in culture shock and learning what a privilege it is to even consider oneself a "world citizen." I was once a strong-willed activist who has since lost a lot of her youthful nerve. I've been a poet and a dreamer for as long as I can remember. I've changed tremendously and yet always, somehow, remained the same.

The path has been twisting, turning, and a bit of a zig-zag, but it has brought me blessings beyond fairness: I have been lucky enough to be given more opportunities to grow and to love than most people get in a lifetime and I'm less than halfway through mine so far. Most significantly, though, the universe has gifted me with both my soul-mate and an amazing daughter; two incredible
beings who are always teaching me that the true worth of any struggle in life is love.

Everything I've been given, everything I've been interested is all fuel for my constantly busy mind and itchy writing fingers. The frequency of my blogging ebbs and flows as I live life and gain the experience and inspiration for new writings but I have a feeling I'll be hard pressed to run out of material to talk about. I hope I can always stay as engaging as I must have been to bring you here. 


If you like my writing on here and are interested in seeing my professional portfolio, please feel free to check out my portfolio site at or look me up on LinkedIn.

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