These are the days I question myself and my decision to
homeschool.* If you've been reading this
blog, you've read about an exceptionally good day in our homeschooling
life. Now, to provide some reality and
perspective, I’ll tell you about what a bad day looks like in our household:
Before school even starts, the J-Rex takes over an hour to
complete her morning chores that, on good days, can be completed in 10 minutes
with ease. Even then, the hubs and I find
ourselves giving her yet more time to finish the parts she neglected, like
cleaning up after herself in the bathroom, despite the fact that every single step
of her chores are typed on a list and posted in multiple places throughout the
We have breakfast and the parental units can’t enjoy our own
food because we constantly have to tell the J-Rex to eat, despite the fact that
it’s one of her favorite breakfasts.
Now two hours after getting up, we finally get started on
school and the J-Rex begins her (routine at this point in the year) Calendar Time,
which typically takes about 15-20 minutes.
Today, it takes over an hour and when I check her work, significant
parts have not been completed, so I give her more time to finish.
We go on to our word of the day and, as I’m discussing the
meaning of the word “foray” and explaining how to work through a brain-teaser
question about the word, the J-Rex starts playing with some hair that was stuck
under her eye patch and completely tunes me out, leading to her first time out
of the day. We talk. I explain how I
need her attention, she apologizes and we go on to have a fun time completing
our word of the day brain teaser, quote of the day, and quiz question of the day.
I feel relieved and have hope for a good
day despite a rough beginning…